Supporting the science of impact processes, from micrometeorites to giant impacts.

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Community Meeting at LPSC: Monday March 13

5:30 pm β€” Flash info session by escalators on ground floor lobby

6-7 pm Indian Springs Meeting Room β€” Discussion of initiatives/working groups

Presentation slides (password needed)

(Tuesday poster and abstract about

Community Survey: Let us know what is important to you

Community Resources

The Philosophy of this Wiki

The wiki is a public resource that supports research and college/post-graduate education in planetary impact processes by encouraging collaboration and sharing of knowledge and skills. Contributions are voluntary. This site strives to organize the presentation of materials in a manner that supports diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Goals for this initiative

Contribute Materials or Make Corrections

Submit a contribution or a correction/removal request

You can support this wiki by using it, contributing materials, becoming an editor, or advertising the site.

Community Directory & Signup

The community directory helps researchers and students find people with specific areas of expertise. The directory is password protected. Sign up to be listed as a member of the community and (optionally) volunteer to be a Wiki editor/Tweeter/YouTuber.

To avoid bots, use the password impactcraters to access the signup form.

Social Media

Twitter @ImpactsWiki (click and follow) β€” Announcements

YouTube Planetary Impacts Community Wiki Channel β€” See curated playlists and subscribe